下面的步骤是为学生寻求参加学分课程,导致完成副学士学位, 证书, 以及职业学习证书. For students seeking a workforce credential, please visit the 劳动力培训 & 认证 页面了解更多信息并申请.

完成并提交您的 应用程序, 您将被MECC正式录取,并在确认页面上收到学生证号码和用户名. Please make a note of this information and use it to log into MyMECC. You will need to set your password using the forgot password link on the MyMECC page to successfully log into your account. You will also be required to set up your MFA. 请参阅 MFA指令 为了完成这个过程. 如果您需要帮助,请填写 技术助理表格.



After 提交ting your 应用程序, go to STEP 2 if you plan to 完整的 a degree or certificate; otherwise, go to STEP 4 if you will be taking credit classes without pursuing a program of study.

Applying/Registering for Non-Credit Courses

如需协助注册非学分课程,请联系MECC的劳动力解决方案 276-523-9113 or 276-523-9114.


高中生 老年人
退伍军人,现役军人, & 家属 寄养青少年
国际学生 家庭学校学生


如果个人是高中毕业生或同等学历,就有资格进入社区大学, 或者年满18岁,能够从社区大学学习中获益, as demonstrated by assessment in reading, 写作, 和数学. Minimum scores are noted in the chart below:

  VPT 指南针 Asset
阅读 ENF 1 62 35
写作 ENF 1 32 35
Math MTE 1 25 33

只有在有书面证明的情况下,大学校长才可以对这项政策做出例外. 未达到最低分数要求的学生将被转介推荐几个靠谱的买球网站推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任.

MECC保留评估和记录特殊情况的权利,如果学院确定申请人或学生构成威胁,则拒绝或撤销录取, 是潜在的危险, is significantly disruptive to the college community, 或者这种拒绝或撤销被认为符合大学的最佳利益. 对于被开除或休学的申请人,学校保留拒绝录取的权利, 或者下定决心成为威胁, potential danger or significantly disruptive by, 另一个大学. 学生 whose admission is revoked after enrollment must be given due process.

VCCS和MECC的政策是维护和促进平等的就业和教育机会,而不考虑种族, color, sex or age (except where sex or age is a bona fide occupational qualification), 宗教, 障碍, 国家的起源, 或者其他非优点因素. 有关平权行动政策的查询应向学院的平权行动官员提出, whose office is located in Holton Hall and who can be reached at 276.523.7478.

Individuals may be admitted to MECC as curricular or non-curricular students.

For all curricular students, the following items are required:

  • 一份完整的正式入学申请表,并要求提供社会安全号码.
  • Unless otherwise specified by the college, official transcripts from all high schools, 大学, 上过大学. 在家庭学校环境中完成中学学业的毕业生必须提供毕业日期,并可能需要提供课程作业的文件. VCCS学生信息系统的学术记录对弗吉尼亚社区学院系统内的大学来说是足够的.
  • 大学为录取特定项目或课程而提供的额外信息.

适用于所有非课程学生, 需要填写完整的正式入学申请,并要求提供社会安全号码.

  • VCCS在线入学申请.
  • Click 新用户, 完整的 the information requested and click 提交.
  • 如果你保存了入学申请(但没有向学院提交最终申请)后返回入学申请-点击 返回用户 and enter your temporary login ID and password. Click 审查 to return to your 应用程序 in progress.
  • Once you have 提交ted your final 应用程序 for admission, you will not be able to make any changes. 如果需要对您提供的信息进行更正,您必须联系 注册服务办公室 at 276.523.2400.

Note: If you receive an error using the online 应用程序, please update your browser or use Internet Explorer.

  1. 收集所有适用文件, 包括社保卡, 军事论文, 在开始之前要有驾照.
  2. Providing your social security number is highly recommended. 如果不推荐几个靠谱的买球网站予,获得包括经济援助在内的许多大学服务的机会将受到限制. The social security number is required when applying for financial aid.
  3. 仔细阅读每个问题. 点击“?” for the directions for filling in text boxes.
  4. 完成每个部分.
  5. Use the left side-bar menu to view the status of each step. A green highlighted number indicates you 完整的d that section.
  6. 单击 Save & 继续 button will save the information in the section.
  7. You will not be able to save a section that contains errors. Correct all errors before attempting to move to a new section.


a. Name
输入你的电流, 完整的 法律名称. Use the same format for your name when applying to multiple 大学.

b. 前的名字

c. 职业生涯
选择 信贷 当你计划参加那些你将获得大学学分的课程时,要考虑职业. 选择 CNED 职业生涯(继续教育/劳动力发展),当你计划参加非学分或继续教育/劳动力发展课程时,你将获得继续教育单位或没有大学学分.

d. Term
选择 term that you would like to enroll in classes.


a. 邮寄地址

Enter the street number and name on the first line. Enter an apartment number on the second line. 不要同时添加街道地址和P.O. 箱子的信息.


a. 种族:
Select an ethnic group from the drop down.

b. 性别

c. 公民身份
选择一个U.S. 国籍.



  1. 点击 编辑高中.
  2. 选择 appropriate high school level. If you attended or are attending a high school in the U.S. ——点击 Select to enter school name or search for your high school by name or state. 如果你的高中不在名单上, check the box that indicates “My high school does not appear in the list above.”
  3. 即使你的高中没有出现在列表中,也要输入你的毕业日期或预计毕业日期(年月日). If you do not know the diploma type you earned, select 标准.
  4. 如果你是在家上学的学生-你将选择弗吉尼亚州或州外,并输入你的毕业日期或预计毕业日期.
  5. 如果您获得了GED -您将选择弗吉尼亚州或州外,并输入您获得GED -奖励日期的月份和年份.
  6. If you attended a high school outside of the U.S. ——选择 外国高中 and enter your graduation date or anticipated graduation date.

Note: Department of Defense 家属 Schools (DoDDS) outside the U.S. are considered foreign high schools for purposes of this 应用程序.


如果你上过大学-点击 添加一所大学 输入大学数据. A search box will be provided for you to find your college by state and name. Click 添加一所大学 并回顾信息. 您可以编辑或删除条目. You may add up to 5 大学 attended by clicking 添加一所大学.

If you attended a college in a foreign country. 点击搜索框,勾选“我在美国以外上过大学”.S.” Enter your attendance dates and degrees earned.

If you did not attend any college – Skip to 家庭教育背景.


You must select an option from the drop down box. 收集这些信息仅用于统计目的,与您的录取过程无关.


a. 你目前的目标是什么?

如果你想攻读学位,证书或文凭-从下拉框中选择一个计划. If you are currently in high school or home school, you may not select a plan to pursue a degree at this time. 选择 option “I do not plan to pursue a degree at this time”.

如果你不打算攻读学位、证书或文凭——选择一个上课的理由. If you are currently in high school or home school, you must select one of these options for dual enrollment: 041, 042, 043或04A.

b. 学位和证书的类型
See the 大学目录 or contact a Counselor for details.

AA = Associate in Arts Degree; AAA = Associate in Applied Arts Degree; AAS = Associate in Applied Science Degree; AS = Associate in Science Degree; CERT = Certificate; CSC = 职业生涯 Studies Certificate



这将把你带到住所问卷,这将决定你是否有资格获得州内或州外的学费. 所有弗吉尼亚居民和非居民都必须填写州内学费问卷.

  1. 州内学费问卷(样本)-回答所有问题.

b. 当你完成问卷时, you will receive a summary of the questions and the answers you provided.

c. 确认您的答案,然后选择以下选项之一:继续申请, restart the questionnaire or discard your       questionnaire.

d. Select 继续申请 to proceed to the final submission process.

e. Select 提交的应用程序 – This submission process will take a few minutes. Do not click 提交的应用程序 more than once. 当流程完成时, 您将收到确认您的申请已成功提交,并附有学院和学期信息. Click 继续 on each page for the following information:

  • Your Official Student 信息 SIS ID
  • 你的用户名和密码
  • Your Tuition 信息 – In-State or Out-of-State Classification
  • 特别通知-额外的文件或信息,可能需要完成你的录取过程.
  • Academic 信息 – Your assigned plan of study.
  • 申请摘要-打印申请摘要页面,这样您就可以记录与申请过程相关的所有信息.

如果收到错误消息, it is likely you have previously applied at MECC or another VCCS college. 请与 MECC招生办公室 at 276.523.2400查看更多信息.